Green Tea Shaved Ice @ Restaurant Kikusui, Gion Shijo, Kyoto

Mom and I decided to stop by this shop that's a few minutes from our hotel. The restaurant looks very posh from the outside but it is actually a family style restaurant that serves Western food.

It's nearing snack time and Mom was craving a sweet snack. We decided to stop by here when the rain started pouring down heavily. Good thing we didn't get caught in the rain.

I had the cold red bean soup with whipped cream and green tea ice cream. It also had a nice of mochi and some jelly inside. The cute little persimmon there is a wagashi that I got from the market. It tasted very well with the green tea. No wonder people love enjoying this as an afternoon snack.

Inside the wagashi guessed it! Red bean paste :)

Mom's green tea shaved ice.
