Finders Keepers Melbourne 2015!

This is a late entry but I still think it's worth posting.

Living in Manila, I've grown to love stalls. In Tagalog, we call them "tiangge" and commonly known as a street market. In the old days, they used to sell wares that are locally made - from food to dry goods. These days, though, most of the cheap items are imported but I think it doesn't diminish its experience. When I heard that Finders Keepers is now here in Melbourne, of course I cannot pass on the chance to go.

There are so many awesome things on display and I tried to keep my wallet tightly closed! I can't wait til next year :)

I went early on the Grand Final Day and the place was already half crowded. By the time 1pm rolled around, the place was instantly packed and I, well, got flustered and decided to head on home. I didn't go home empty handed though. I probably spent more that I should and I had to literally stop myself from buying cute things from different stalls.

What I got:

A passport holder from Kitty Came Home
A very nice shirt from Miranda Murphy
A small ceramic bowl from Bridget Bodenham
Some meditative coloring books from La la Land
Tokyo Zen diffuser from Archon Designs
And....salted caramel sauce!!!
