My Test Kitchen: Banana Tarte Tatin from Bon Appetit

They say that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My method in following recipes is, well, not to follow them to the letter. I know this can be detrimental but so far I'm able to manage simple and quick recipes such as this one. Granted, it doesn't look incredibly pretty like the other food blogs out there but then, that's part of the charm of home cooking. I'll read the recipe probably 6-12 times and try to remember the steps in my head then cook or bake it like it was my own recipe. I play it by ear, experience, taste and heart - like the way my Grandma cooks.

True enough, this delicious Banana Tarte Tatin from Bon Appetit has been tried and tested, so it's no problem to follow it and make it your own. For next time, I'll add some cinnamon into the brown sugar first.

I made myself of cup of strong black pour over coffee that I recently got from Growers Espresso over at Fitzroy North. The rich and velvety vanilla bean ice cream was just perfect for this. I didn't get any fancy branded ice cream but I got a good quality one. Perfect for a beautiful Melbourne afternoon!
