Fried Chicken Mania @ Gami, King St, Melbourne CBD

Melbourne is in a fried chicken frenzy. I've seen too many of these Asian fried chicken places popping up everywhere, it almost felt like 7-11 but in a very good way. That means, I can get my fried chicken craving satisfied quicker.

I haven't had meat for a total of 6 days since I decided to lose some weight and well, I guess test myself if I can continue eating vegetables for longer. I also wanted to get more vegetables into my daily meals and omitting meat has its benefits. The only problem there was that towards the end of the 6th day, I've started seeing meat all over the place. Not a good sign. So perhaps for my sanity, I'd have meat once a week, just to satisfy my carnivorous side. For now, I want me some fried chicken!

Gami has been on a top list of good fried chicken places, so my expectations are quite high. First off, I love love love the oh-so-crispy skin! P and I ordered the boneless chicken ($32) with sweet mustard and sweet soy garlic sauces. I liked the sweet mustard better. So, the skin aside, not all pieces of the chicken were tender and succulent. For example, the breast parts were dry and stringy but the thigh parts were good enough.

Gami Chicken at Kings St on UrbanspoonWe also had the corn and cheese on a cast iron plate. This was also nice and sweet. But to tell you the truth, I liked it better cold than hot. Try it and you'll see what I mean. It's like a congealed creamy and cheesy corn.

We were feeling boozy that night, so we had the plum wine ($13) and the black raspberry wine ($25). I liked the black raspberry wine better. It's quite syrupy but did not taste like medicine. It has a slight alcoholic kick to it. I can actually have the whole bottle to myself. Maybe next time.
