Oven Baked Chicken with Miso + Roasted Potato Salad

When I experiment in the kitchen, I rarely measure. Maybe it's instinct, maybe it's just the way inexperience cooks rock it in the kitchen. It's not exactly a gift because when I go overboard, it simply meant that whatever it was that I tried to make, failed miserably. One thing I do though is research and read a lot of cookbooks. I try to imagine the taste in my mind then I make not exactly the same recipe and tweak as I go. This goes for most of my daily meals, with the exception of baking. I stick to the baking bibles that I trust.

What's special about this marinade is the barley miso that I used from Spiral Foods. It's light and not too intense. I also like the color when the chicken came out of the oven, plus the kitchen smelled like a proper Japanese restaurant.

The roasted potatoes are simple to make. I used baby potatoes with their skins on and some olive oil, salt, pepper and dried parsley. Roast for 20mins in a 180C oven.

Ingredients for the miso chicken are: miso paste, mirin, minced garlic, minced ginger, light soy sauce, sesame oil

Slather the marinade on the chicken thighs and bake at 200C for 15-20mins.
