SAZL Scenes: Good Food and Wine Festival 2011

After a nice brunch at St Ali this morning, we headed off to the Good Food and Wine Festival at the Convention Centre. I got a few shots from the festival because we went in early, so it wasn't too crowded.
I thought they have a nice selection of wine and beer stalls but the food was a bit disappointing for me. I was on the prowl for a good black truffle sauce but wasn't able to find one :(. I was, however, able to get a new bags of beetroot and sweet potato chips from Thomas Chipman. I love how thinly they sliced the chips, they're sweet and almost melt in my mouth feel. Ahh, healthy chips :D
I got a good bottle of Cheeky Rascal's Raspberry and Apple Cider from Rebello Wines. It's got the nice taste of raspberry without the tartness or sweetness. It is actually made with 6% raspberry and 94% apple (from a mix of different kinds). And oh, it's 8% alcohol.
There has been a time when I got addicted to chai (didn't we all??). The perfect chai powder for me is from Arkadia which you can get from IGA or Woolworth's. I wouldn't pass on the chance of getting one from the festival. Bondi Chai has 2 flavors: Vanilla Honey and Club Cinnamon. Nothing beats the spiciness of cinnamon on the cold winter night...
Lushies. Handcrafted marshmallows. I actually got this for a friend. Now, I'm regretting that I didn't get more for myself :(
Two hours later, we started bumping into people, on our way out. I guess it's a good thing that we decided to come early.
