SAZL Scenes: Few of My Favorite Things

This week has been insane at work and there were a couple of things that made me feel not quite myself. I felt beaten down and dragged around in the mud but then again, thank God for friends! Little did I realize that I've slowly surrounded myself and the apartment with delicious things. It took some time for me to come to this point and it has given me a lot to reflect on and be thankful for.

Each item in this picture represents a part of my life and my stay here. None of them is bittersweet but just a pure, overwhelming sensation of being here, in the moment, absorbing everything and everyone around me. Even though troubles come, there's always that fact that they go away. You won't always be in that stinky, rotten situation. There will be this sudden element or factor that will pull you back up: a good piece of chocolate, a sweet heart-warming thought, an encouraging message from a just goes on and on...

Yoghurt and Strawberries. Two of my sister's favorite things. I love these two things because they remind me so much of her. During her short trips here, she would always request just these. Well, just the strawberries actually. Strawberries in Manila are small and sour (not to mention pricey) even at their peak. I remembered her reaction when she saw the huge sized berries which were just plump, seedy, sweet and a small ruby. And every bite is just delish!

Red Wine from Bordeaux. I know, I know. I'm in Australia. The land of the New World wines. Once in a few weeks, I'll indulge myself with a good crisp bottle of Bordeaux. I think it represents more than just a wine from this region. It's a dream to be there someday and experience France for myself.

Chocolate from Ganache. Back in Manila, the only chocolate I've known is Max Brenner. The first time I tasted a very good hot chocolate was from what PG and I would call, "that Belgian place". Everyone in my family knows that I simply adore dark chocolate, the darker, the better. I've known that a real true blue blooded dark chocolate should taste like: smooth, silky, sexy...Ganache 75% chocolate is it.

Donna Hay Magazine. I can't begin to articulate how Donna Hay changed my way of looking at food. Coming from an Asian family, food is always there, waiting for you and always just dumped on a plate, quickly slaughtered and torn apart by the people sitting around it. There is no sense of beauty, only of smell and taste. But dear, sweet Donna Hay taught me the sense of elevating the visual aspect of plating up food on a higher level. Food doesn't only have to taste good but look good too. It's not only the substance but the beauty.
