SAZL Scenes: Straw Flowers

Whenever I buy flowers, I always dedicate them to my Mom. She's a strong person and not easy to crack. She always tells me that buying flowers are just a waste of money, but when I sent her flowers for Mother's Day and on her last birthday, I saw her eyes brighten up. It goes to show that flowers bring the softness out from even the toughest people I know. Flowers are also every woman's weakness. If a woman would tell you that she doesn't like to receive flowers, most of the time, she does! Remember to give her some anyway, she'll love you for it.

Walking home from the market today, I passed by the flower stall and just wouldn't help but admire the lovely colors of the different flowers in season. The straw flowers caught my eye. They weren't exactly the friendlist and softest flower of the bunch, but I love the gradient of light pink to fuschia. From where I'm sitting right now, the view looks lovely. =)
