Chicken Schnitzel @ Mickey's Italian Restaurant, Surfer's Paradise

It was our last meal at Gold Coast and we have to have it fast. Mickey's was tucked in front of a construction site but not really easy to miss. We were actually basing our last meal on the price on the menu, because all of us were rather short of funds.

My eyes went for the chicken schnitzel which was "their specialty". There were different variations but I went for the classic one, which was Parmigiana. It has melted mozzarella and ham.
Honestly, it wasn't fantastic nor special. The perfect schnitzel should be crisp and thin, light but still satisfying. The "Italian" schnitzel has a burnt buttom, tomato sauce, sliced ham (which I think should be a whole piece of sliced ham), some melted mozzarella and thick chicken breast. I think it is a crumbed chicken parmigiana pretending to be a schnitzel. Perhaps they should rename it.
