The Story of Five Pizzas @ Cabinet Bar, Little Collins

Been here twice and the place always served up good wood oven baked pizzas. My treat today since I'm a year older. Nice to know that I'm celebrating at somewhere that is not home. With the gang of mostly men, I know I have to somehow feed them with something that they are familiar with. Of course, PIZZAS. Cabinet Bar serves up pretty decent and unique pizzas, so I ordered all five for them to taste. Here's the list:

1. Smoked Salmon, Rocket Leaves, Shrimp

2. Spicy Pepperoni, Gorgonzola, Olives

3. Tomato, Basil and Mozzarella

4. Roast Duck and Plum Sauce

5. Chicken and Mango with Aioli

Amidst bites, friends and I talked and laughed about work. Mostly pleasant things or unpleasant things turned pleasant. Work has been tough on all of us, unmistakably, and families on our minds as we take bites off our pizzas and chips. With the cold winter air, it was also imminent that we've all gotten used to the cold, at the same time, gotten used to the oddities that surround us in this city. Surely, Melbourne has embraced us and we, in turn, have embraced most of what Melbourne has to offer--the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. I guess one thing that is really lurking at the back of our minds is...when can we go home?

-- Birthday Girl
