Slices of jamon serrano are lovely things to eat. I prefer to eat them on top of a slice of sourdough bread or sometimes topped on pizza, drizzled with olive oil and then with a mild cheese but optional.
It's a challenge to describe what jamon serrano tastes like but safe to say that it's not your average ham. The marble on the meat comes our like streaks of white on a red head because of its intense pinkish hue.
It has that slightly metallic and cured smell that some people find a bit unpleasant. Taste-wise it is slightly sharp and flavorful but not as rich and tender as jamon iberico.
I do sometimes find it a bit stringy so I like that Laikon sliced this up into fairly thin and short pieces. It fit perfectly on a small slice of bread.
In addition to this, I also stopped by the poultry stall at farmer's market to get some chicken breasts. I overheard the owner and a friend talking animatedly in Greek about something I have no idea about. I actually thought that they were arguing. It is in their nature to talk passionately about any topic and it just amuses me so. Then, being the friendly beings that they were, I was offered a taste of marinated feta. I do love Meredith's marinated feta but a number of times, I found it too salty. But the owner, Maria's, version of marinated feta was just oozing with sun dried tomatoes, olive, lemon and rosemary scents that I can't pass the chance of buying one. So that I did. The result is this lovely spread that I hadn't planned for today at all - and that's no bad thing for me.