Yummy Discovery: Roasted Chicken with Tomatoes, Crunchy Pita and Mango Vinaigrette

Not knowing what to make for dinner while chatting with my cousin, she suggested that I should make a salad. I was originally thinking of making boring roast chicken breasts, since the only substantial raw food I have in my fridge are chicken breasts. Then, she said - "how about a chicken salad?" Brilliant.

A good thing is you can practically put anything in a salad. I think you'll never be able to ruin a salad, maybe except for the dressing. I shamefully admit that I buy my dressings, even though at times I make my own simply with balsamic or apple cider vinegar, lemon juice (always) and olive oil. I luckily have some leftover mango dressing in the fridge, add this with a couple of other ingredients that I have handy and we have a salad, everyone!

Roasted Chicken Breasts - seasonings - Herbs de Provence, Pimiente d'Esplette/espelette pepper, salt, pepper - on a 200C oven for 20mins.

Soy and Linseed Wrap - toasted until crunchy and crisp on the sandwich press
